The following is a list of PTA Event Committees where we would appreciate any and all help. How can you help? There are various contributions that families can make to assist. Volunteering is a great way to contribute to the school and to have a role in our community.


Interested in volunteering? You can reach out to or click on the Volunteer Interest form to get involved with any of our events.


Ice Cream Social - September 

Help welcome new and returning Marshall families to an outside event at the Marshall blacktop during the start of the school year.  Volunteers needed to hand out ice cream, sell pizza, water, baked goods to students and their families.


School Pictures - October 

Help to coordinate students on picture day.


Walk & Move-a-thon - October 

Please Donate here and share the link with family and friends. All students will move along a circuit, cheered on by parent volunteers. A DJ will provide great music and call out silly challenges


Scholastic Book Fair - Fall & Spring

Assist the Book Fair Committee with unpacking books, decorating, helping students complete wish lists, assist parents with purchases, and / or fulfill student orders.


Holiday Staff Breakfast - December 

Solicit food and monetary donations from Marshall families for this annual staff holiday breakfast. 


MLK Celebration - January

Work with principal on this school celebration / service project. 


Valentines Staff Treats - February

Coordinate efforts to provide a sweet treat for Marshall staff to celebrate Valentine's Day


Multicultural Festival - February 

Recruit and coordinate Marshall families as they showcase food, music, and cultural items.


Teacher Time Raffle 

Assist in coordinating teacher donations to be raffled off, organizing student entries and announcing winners. 


Staff Appreciation 

Coordinate planning and implementation for this all important week to celebrate Marshall staff.


Field Day 

Springtime activity in which volunteers help facilitate field day games and activities for all Marshall school students.


School Supply Kits 

Assist chairperson with parent communication and ordering kits.