Welcome to Marshall Elementary! I’m Jaime Hayes, the School Nurse. As the School Nurse, I serve Marshall School students in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, caring for minor injuries, screening students for various health conditions, communicating children’s health needs to families, teachers and staff, providing health counseling, and administering medications. Height, weight, hearing, and vision are also assessed during the school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or updates regarding your child’s health and wellness.


Please keep your child home if he/she exhibits any of the following:

  1. Moderate to severe pain or discomfort
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Vomiting
  4. Temperature of 100 degrees or more (Temperature should be normal for 24 hours before returning to school.)
  5. Sore throat or severe coughing
  6. Red eyes with discharge
  7. Infected, untreated skin patches
  8. Difficult or rapid breathing
  9. Skin rashes lasting more than one day
  10. Swollen joints and pain
  11. Visibly enlarged lymph nodes
  12. Stiff neck with irritability and/or fever

All contagious and/or extended illnesses require a doctor’s note before readmission to school. Some common childhood illnesses are:

  1. Strep throat or Scarlet fever: Your child should be taking prescribed treatment for at least 48 hours before returning to school. A doctor’s note should be presented to the school nurse when returning to school.
  2. Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye: Most conjunctivitis is contagious. If your child develops irritated eyes with discharge that is not allergy-related, contact your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Impetigo
  4. Pinworm

Medication is only allowed in school after first speaking to me. If medicine can be timed around the school day, please do so as we follow a strict policy:

  1. It is never permissible for children to self-administer medicine. Do not send any medications (including vitamins) to school with your child.
  2. A permission form signed by both you and your physician is required for all medication that must be administered during the day. This includes “over-the-counter” drugs such as cough medicine and cough syrups.
  3. Medicine must be in a properly labeled prescription bottle or original container.
  4. All medicine must be stored in the Nurse’s office. It is the family’s responsibility to deliver and pick up medication.
  5. Classroom teachers and other school personnel are not permitted to administer medication. This also applies during all class trips.
  6. Medication for students requiring Individual Health Plans will be administered in accordance with the specific requirements of the student’s Plan.

Broken bones, sprains, or any injury to your children must be reported to me. Before your child returns to school, you must discuss any limitations. A doctor’s note is required before re-entry to school.


Food Allergies
We are an “Allergy Aware and Sensitive” school. We require that you speak with your child’s teachers before bringing any food items into the school for your child or the class. We must work diligently to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all children.

We encourage safe and inclusive ways to celebrate. There are many ways to celebrate that do not involve food. Birthdays can be celebrated with crafts, games, or extra recess. Treat bags can be filled with tiny toys or other non-edible trinkets. Please speak with your child’s teacher and adhere to his and/or her policies.

Parents/guardians of children with allergies must immediately inform the nurse and your child’s teachers to ensure that we work as a team to keep your child safe.


We're looking forward to a healthy school year!


Mrs. Haime Hayes | School Nurse

Marshall Elementary School

973-378-7698 ext. 6003
